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Posts By:Hurricane Fence

Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT-FP) is generally defined as a federal security program formed to protect personnel, information, and critical resources from outside attacks. These attacks could be attempted by the use of Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), truck bombs, or any means of weighted attack force. Areas of planned security could include law enforcement buildings, intelligence and…
Essentially, any type of fence can be modified to meet AT/FP requirements.
Fences have the great merit of being more instant than hedges and less expensive than walls. That is the reason they are so often chosen by builders for new properties, and why they are frequently chosen again when the original fences come to the end of their useful life. Closeboard and panel fences are popular,…
I’ve never been more pleased with a home project.–Kenny M.
(804) 353-6030
1300 Dinneen Street
Richmond, VA 23220
(757) 853-5669
3530 Airline Boulevard
Portsmouth, VA 23701
(919) 879-2271
509 N Fayetteville Ave
Dunn, NC 28334