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great vegies

Are you tired of your garden being destroyed by pests and local wildlife every summer? Whether it’s the pesky neighborhood gopher or a wandering doe, it doesn’t take long for animals to come through and eat away months of your hard work.

Here at Hurricane Fence, we understand your frustration. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide on how to protect your garden, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. 

Call us at 804-353-6030 for a free quote on a solution tailored to your specific needs. In the meantime, let's explore some great ways to keep your garden safe this summer.

Fencing Solutions

Having a well-designed fence can be an effective way to keep unwanted visitors out of your garden. While we specialize in fencing solutions and would be more than happy to assist you in securing your yard, it's important to note that a fence alone cannot provide complete protection.

With that being said, a sturdy fence can be invaluable in keeping larger wildlife like deer and raccoons as well as most roaming neighborhood pets out of your garden. 

There are various types of fencing available, such as chain-link, vinyl, or even aluminum, which can be selected based on your budget and needs. In some cases, a combination of materials might work best depending on your property's layout.

For instance, you could choose a popular vinyl privacy fence to enclose the perimeter of your yard, which would provide you with seclusion while still looking aesthetically pleasing from the outside. Then, for added protection, you could use less expensive materials such as chain link or wood combined with chicken wire around only your garden.

It's worth noting that a fence doesn't have to be unsightly and can actually enhance the beauty of your garden.

Use Organic Repellents

Organic repellents are a great way to deter pests without harming your plants or the environment. Many of these repellents are made from natural ingredients like garlic, hot pepper, or essential oils. Simply mix with water and spray around the perimeter of your garden, or directly onto plants. Reapply after heavy rainfall or as needed.

Take a look at this blog post from for a few DIY pesticides to get you started!

Plant Pest-Resistant Varieties

Choosing plants that are resistant to common pests can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. For example, some tomato varieties are resistant to diseases like blight and nematodes.

Here is a list of a few pest-resistant plants you may want to consider for your garden:

  • Lavender - This fragrant plant is known for its calming properties and also repels fleas, moths, and flies.
  • Marigolds - These bright, cheerful flowers contain a natural insecticide that repels many common garden pests like aphids, mosquitoes, and whiteflies.
  • Chives - Not only do they add flavor to your dishes, but the strong odor of chives helps deter many pests like Japanese beetles, carrot flies, and slugs.
  • Basil - This herb is not only tasty but also repels many insects, including mosquitoes, flies, and thrips.
  • Mint - This refreshing herb has a strong odor that deters pests like ants, fleas, and mosquitoes.
  • Rosemary - This aromatic herb has an essential oil that repels many pests like mosquitoes, flies, and moths.
  • Nasturtiums - These colorful flowers contain a mustard oil that is toxic to many pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and squash bugs.
  • Petunias - These cheerful flowers repel aphids, tomato hornworms, and many other pests.

This is not at all a comprehensive list. For the best results, consult with your local garden center or nursery for advice on the best pest-resistant plants for your area.

Encourage Beneficial Insects

Beneficial insects, like ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps, are natural predators of garden pests. By creating a welcoming environment for these helpful insects, you can reduce your reliance on chemical pesticides. To encourage their presence, plant flowers like marigolds, dill, or fennel, and avoid using harsh insecticides that may harm them.

Check out this blog post from Brooklyn Botanic Garden for more information on creating a welcome environment for these helpful insects.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of growing certain plants together to improve their growth and deter pests. For example, planting basil near tomatoes can repel tomato hornworms, while nasturtiums planted among your vegetables can attract aphids away from more valuable crops. Do some research on the best companion plants for your specific garden needs.

For more information on companion planting best practices, consult with this guide from Farmers Almanac.

Maintain Good Garden Hygiene

If you’re reading this, chances are you know that gardening is a lot more than just planting some seeds and waiting for them to grow. A healthy, plentiful garden requires consistent maintenance and attention. 

Luckily, a clean and well-maintained garden is less attractive to pests. Remove dead leaves, weeds, and debris regularly, as they can harbor insects and diseases. Properly dispose of diseased plants to prevent the spread of infection or invasion. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of infestation and address any issues promptly.

Keep Your Garden Healthy & Lush All Summer

Protecting your garden from pests, pets, and wildlife this summer doesn't have to be an impossible task. With a combination of fencing solutions, organic repellents, pest-resistant plants, beneficial insects, companion planting, and good garden hygiene, you can enjoy a thriving sanctuary without the constant worry of damage. Remember, every garden is unique, so experiment with different approaches to find the perfect balance for your specific needs.

Ready to take the next step? Call us at 804-353-6030 for a free quote on a tailored solution to help protect your garden. Together, we can make your summer garden dreams a reality. Happy gardening!

I’ve never been more pleased with a home project.–Kenny M.
(804) 353-6030
1300 Dinneen Street
Richmond, VA 23220
(757) 853-5669
3530 Airline Boulevard
Portsmouth, VA 23701
(919) 879-2271
509 N Fayetteville Ave
Dunn, NC 28334